2 PiLiHaN

Posted by hudhud cool , Saturday, July 16, 2011 11:15 AM

Lama x buka blog kan???sebabnya aq dah bertuka keja dripda studnt sengal yg mlas bca buku kpada baby sitter yg sgt bz melayan kerenah adiknya sbb asik nak game keta je... *sigh* btw.. i'm not gonna write bout my little degil brother but about hidup mnusia kat atas mka bumi yg terchenta nih..

well..dalam hidup mnusia nih kita salu diberi 2 pilihan.wether u wanna do it,take it,grab it or u wanna let it go n change noting...but before making any decision, kita kna jgk ask ourself about wether the decision yg kita wat tuh btul2 tepat tuk kita. thats why la dlu kita ada blaja psal the road dlm literture english tym skola mngh..(ok...aq dah x igt dah form baper blaja) 

mcm mncri kwn, we need to decide who gonna be our fren. everybody yg kita jmpa ada 2 probability. wether we wanna take this gurl/boy to be our fren or not. then after we decide baru la ada probability yg len, wether we wanna tke them as our best fren or as only fren or just a little nobody in our life (or whatever). 

 so...our decisions make who we are now... so, be brave to make a decision and be strong when u make that decision. ok...dgn ini berakhirlah slot merapu bersama miss hud dgn versi rojak xbtulnya. tq... *smile*

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